Saturday, September 25, 2010

my brain hurts.

Topic of the day; My FUTURE
[Caution: dont read if you dont like petty girls venting about their life when its really not that bad...]

I believe success comes from how hard you push, how much you want it, and putting all you can in to it.  In the long run I know i want to look back at my life and think, Wow, you did good.  I want to prove to MYSELF that i didnt waste my life, that i can make something of myself.  Im always striving for perfection and yeah, ok not the greatest way to have a stress-free life but its a great motivater! :)

People have different goals, thank goodness.  Imagine every single person in the world trying to fight for the same thing, that'd suck. Luckily some people play soccer, some people ride horses, some people snowboard, some people dance, the list just goes on and on.  But who decides what we do and what we dont?!

Personally I know i want to be the best at what I do, thats just who i am.  But what am i suppose to do when i dont know what i want to do?  I mean, yes i rodeo thats my life and it has been for a very long time, coming on eight years now, and yes that is a long time for a 16 year old girl thanks! :P I put thousands and thousands of hours on horseback.  Had dreams of making it to NFR and winning the worlds, rodeoing on a college team, all of the sorts, but is that what i want?! I dont know if its just the lack of sleep ive been having or not but i dont know anymore..  Call me crazy but i might want something different then that.  I feel like im having a mid life crisis! Sure, go ahead and laugh it off when in reality I might possibly be going nuts.  There is soo much other things to do with life, and i dont want to miss out on anything!! ahh all too much to think about

Another thing is how realistic are my goals for the future?  Certainly not easy to achieve but thats the fun of it.  But its bad when you know your setting yourself up for disappointment, right? Note to self: do it and dont be disappointed, end of story ;)

It especially doesnt help when you have all the school counsellors chasing you screaming; whats your plan for the f-u-t-u-r-e.. Well NEWSFLASH! i know people in their forties that dont know what they want to be when they grow up! How am i suppose to know?!  Goodness, sometimes i just wanna yell!

I guess i got a lot of thinking to do..

{on a happier note}
This is mackenzie green! Only goal I have in life at this point; marry this beauty! :P xoxo <3


Name: Vickie Jeffery
Age: 16
Plans for the future: I'll let you know....

Saturday, September 18, 2010

here we gooo!

Hey there! So yes, the inevitable has happened, I made a blog.  Even though I have no idea what I'm doing I hope that someone out there will find what I have to say interesting and this wont be the biggest fail ever.
With that being said, no promises that I will suddenly become an amazing writer, nor that my life will become as entertaining as the infamous characters of jersey shore :P
This being my first blog I guess I could say a little bit about myself.  Between my horses (yayy) and school (grade 12!) and work (once i find another job) I have very little time for a life. Weirdly enough I don't mind, I live to rodeo, and thats that!  I love my friends so whatch your back if your going to hurt them! hahaha  I'm not the type of person to have 'cyber kat fights' what ever that means, or to rage at people but once in awhile I may need a shoulder to lean on, but thats life! I am very competitive which can be both good and bad.  I love impressing people, and sometimes I care too much about what other people think especially when it comes to my horses, but everyone has their downfall. ;)  I love music! I love reading! I love riding!  I love life, and you should too! Don't be afraid to express yourself, or follow your dreams! Lifes too short for that. :D To wrap this up I wanna share with everyone a few lines from Love like crazy by Lee Brice, it's not only a great song (you should check it out!), but its also great advice!
~Be a best friend, tell the truth, and overuse I Love You
Go to work, do your best, don't outsmart your common sence
Never let your prayin' knees get lazy
And love like crazy~

Thanks for reading!
ps; anyone find the hidden quote!?

^thats charlie, he's the only man i can honestly
say i have ever loved, he means the world to me^